Module aws_sdk_kinesis::error

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All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.



Specifies that you do not have the permissions required to perform this operation.

Error type for the AddTagsToStream operation.
Error type for the CreateStream operation.
Error type for the DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod operation.
Error type for the DeleteStream operation.
Error type for the DeregisterStreamConsumer operation.
Error type for the DescribeLimits operation.
Error type for the DescribeStreamConsumer operation.
Error type for the DescribeStream operation.
Error type for the DescribeStreamSummary operation.
Error type for the DisableEnhancedMonitoring operation.
Error type for the EnableEnhancedMonitoring operation.

The provided iterator exceeds the maximum age allowed.

The pagination token passed to the operation is expired.

Error type for the GetRecords operation.
Error type for the GetShardIterator operation.
Error type for the IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod operation.

A specified parameter exceeds its restrictions, is not supported, or can't be used. For more information, see the returned message.

The ciphertext references a key that doesn't exist or that you don't have access to.

The request was rejected because the specified customer master key (CMK) isn't enabled.

The request was rejected because the state of the specified resource isn't valid for this request. For more information, see How Key State Affects Use of a Customer Master Key in the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The request was rejected because the specified entity or resource can't be found.

The Amazon Web Services access key ID needs a subscription for the service.

The request was denied due to request throttling. For more information about throttling, see Limits in the Amazon Web Services Key Management Service Developer Guide.

The requested resource exceeds the maximum number allowed, or the number of concurrent stream requests exceeds the maximum number allowed.

Error type for the ListShards operation.
Error type for the ListStreamConsumers operation.
Error type for the ListStreams operation.
Error type for the ListTagsForStream operation.
Error type for the MergeShards operation.

The request rate for the stream is too high, or the requested data is too large for the available throughput. Reduce the frequency or size of your requests. For more information, see Streams Limits in the Amazon Kinesis Data Streams Developer Guide, and Error Retries and Exponential Backoff in Amazon Web Services in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.

Error type for the PutRecord operation.
Error type for the PutRecords operation.
Error type for the RegisterStreamConsumer operation.
Error type for the RemoveTagsFromStream operation.

The resource is not available for this operation. For successful operation, the resource must be in the ACTIVE state.

The requested resource could not be found. The stream might not be specified correctly.

Error type for the SplitShard operation.
Error type for the StartStreamEncryption operation.
Error type for the StopStreamEncryption operation.
An unexpected error occurred (e.g., invalid JSON returned by the service or an unknown error code).
Error type for the UpdateShardCount operation.
Error type for the UpdateStreamMode operation.

Specifies that you tried to invoke this API for a data stream with the on-demand capacity mode. This API is only supported for data streams with the provisioned capacity mode.


Types of errors that can occur for the AddTagsToStream operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the CreateStream operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DecreaseStreamRetentionPeriod operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeleteStream operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DeregisterStreamConsumer operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeLimits operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeStreamConsumer operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeStream operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DescribeStreamSummary operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the DisableEnhancedMonitoring operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the EnableEnhancedMonitoring operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetRecords operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the GetShardIterator operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the IncreaseStreamRetentionPeriod operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListShards operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListStreamConsumers operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListStreams operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the ListTagsForStream operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the MergeShards operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the PutRecord operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the PutRecords operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the RegisterStreamConsumer operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the RemoveTagsFromStream operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the SplitShard operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StartStreamEncryption operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the StopStreamEncryption operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateShardCount operation.
Types of errors that can occur for the UpdateStreamMode operation.