Module materialize.zippy.balancerd_actions

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

from materialize.mzcompose.composition import Composition
from materialize.zippy.balancerd_capabilities import BalancerdIsRunning
from materialize.zippy.framework import Action, Capability
from materialize.zippy.mz_capabilities import MzIsRunning

class BalancerdStart(Action):
    """Starts balancerd"""

    def requires(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {MzIsRunning}

    def incompatible_with(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {BalancerdIsRunning}

    def run(self, c: Composition) -> None:

    def provides(self) -> list[Capability]:
        return [BalancerdIsRunning()]

class BalancerdStop(Action):
    """Stops balancerd"""

    def requires(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        # Technically speaking, we do not need Mz to be up in order to kill balancerd
        # However, without this protection we frequently end up in a situation where
        # both are down and Zippy enters a prolonged period of restarting one or the
        # other and no other useful work can be performed in the meantime.
        return {BalancerdIsRunning, MzIsRunning}

    def run(self, c: Composition) -> None:

    def withholds(self) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {BalancerdIsRunning}

class BalancerdRestart(Action):
    """Restarts balancerd"""

    def requires(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {BalancerdIsRunning, MzIsRunning}

    def run(self, c: Composition) -> None:


class BalancerdRestart (capabilities: Capabilities)

Restarts balancerd

Construct a new action, possibly conditioning on the available capabilities.

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class BalancerdRestart(Action):
    """Restarts balancerd"""

    def requires(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {BalancerdIsRunning, MzIsRunning}

    def run(self, c: Composition) -> None:


Inherited members

class BalancerdStart (capabilities: Capabilities)

Starts balancerd

Construct a new action, possibly conditioning on the available capabilities.

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class BalancerdStart(Action):
    """Starts balancerd"""

    def requires(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {MzIsRunning}

    def incompatible_with(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {BalancerdIsRunning}

    def run(self, c: Composition) -> None:

    def provides(self) -> list[Capability]:
        return [BalancerdIsRunning()]


Inherited members

class BalancerdStop (capabilities: Capabilities)

Stops balancerd

Construct a new action, possibly conditioning on the available capabilities.

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class BalancerdStop(Action):
    """Stops balancerd"""

    def requires(cls) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        # Technically speaking, we do not need Mz to be up in order to kill balancerd
        # However, without this protection we frequently end up in a situation where
        # both are down and Zippy enters a prolonged period of restarting one or the
        # other and no other useful work can be performed in the meantime.
        return {BalancerdIsRunning, MzIsRunning}

    def run(self, c: Composition) -> None:

    def withholds(self) -> set[type[Capability]]:
        return {BalancerdIsRunning}


Inherited members