Module materialize.xcompile

Support for cross-compiling to Linux.

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

"""Support for cross-compiling to Linux."""

import os
import platform
import sys
from enum import Enum

from materialize import MZ_ROOT, spawn
from materialize.rustc_flags import Sanitizer

class Arch(Enum):
    """A CPU architecture."""

    X86_64 = "x86_64"
    """The 64-bit x86 architecture."""

    AARCH64 = "aarch64"
    """The 64-bit ARM architecture."""

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.value

    def go_str(self) -> str:
        """Return the architecture name in Go nomenclature: amd64 or arm64."""
        if self == Arch.X86_64:
            return "amd64"
        elif self == Arch.AARCH64:
            return "arm64"
            raise RuntimeError("unreachable")

    def host() -> "Arch":
        if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
            return Arch.X86_64
        elif platform.machine() in ["aarch64", "arm64"]:
            return Arch.AARCH64
            raise RuntimeError(f"unknown host architecture {platform.machine()}")

def target(arch: Arch) -> str:
    """Construct a Linux target triple for the specified architecture."""
    return f"{arch}-unknown-linux-gnu"

def target_cpu(arch: Arch) -> str:
    Return the CPU micro architecture, assuming a Linux target, we should use for Rust compilation.

    Sync: This target-cpu should be kept in sync with the one in ci-builder and .cargo/config.
    if arch == Arch.X86_64:
        return "x86-64-v3"
    elif arch == Arch.AARCH64:
        return "neoverse-n1"
        raise RuntimeError("unreachable")

def target_features(arch: Arch) -> list[str]:
    Returns a list of CPU features we should enable for Rust compilation.

    Note: We also specify the CPU target when compiling Rust which should enable the majority of
    available CPU features.

    Sync: This list of features should be kept in sync with the one in ci-builder and .cargo/config.
    if arch == Arch.X86_64:
        return ["+aes"]
    elif arch == Arch.AARCH64:
        return ["+aes", "+sha2"]
        raise RuntimeError("unreachable")

def cargo(
    arch: Arch,
    subcommand: str,
    rustflags: list[str],
    channel: str | None = None,
    extra_env: dict[str, str] = {},
) -> list[str]:
    """Construct a Cargo invocation for cross compiling.

        arch: The CPU architecture to build for.
        subcommand: The Cargo subcommand to invoke.
        rustflags: Override the flags passed to the Rust compiler. If the list
            is empty, the default flags are used.
        channel: The Rust toolchain channel to use. Either None/"stable" or "nightly".

        A list of arguments specifying the beginning of the command to invoke.
    _target = target(arch)
    _target_env = _target.upper().replace("-", "_")
    _target_cpu = target_cpu(arch)
    _target_features = ",".join(target_features(arch))

    env = {

    rustflags += [

    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        sysroot = spawn.capture([f"{_target}-cc", "-print-sysroot"]).strip()
        rustflags += [f"-L{sysroot}/lib"]
                "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME": "Linux",
                f"CARGO_TARGET_{_target_env}_LINKER": f"{_target}-cc",
                "CARGO_TARGET_DIR": str(MZ_ROOT / "target-xcompile"),
                "TARGET_AR": f"{_target}-ar",
                "TARGET_CPP": f"{_target}-cpp",
                "TARGET_CC": f"{_target}-cc",
                "TARGET_CXX": f"{_target}-c++",
                "TARGET_CXXSTDLIB": "static=stdc++",
                "TARGET_LD": f"{_target}-ld",
                "TARGET_RANLIB": f"{_target}-ranlib",
        # NOTE(benesch): The required Rust flags have to be duplicated with
        # their definitions in ci/builder/Dockerfile because `rustc` has no way
        # to merge together Rust flags from different sources.
        rustflags += [

    env.update({"RUSTFLAGS": " ".join(rustflags)})

    return [
        *_enter_builder(arch, channel),
        *(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in env.items()),

def tool(
    arch: Arch, name: str, channel: str | None = None, prefix_name: bool = True
) -> list[str]:
    """Constructs a cross-compiling binutils tool invocation.

        arch: The CPU architecture to build for.
        name: The name of the binutils tool to invoke.
        channel: The Rust toolchain channel to use. Either None/"stable" or "nightly".
        prefix_name: Whether or not the tool name should be prefixed with the target

        A list of arguments specifying the beginning of the command to invoke.
    if sys.platform == "darwin":
    tool_name = f"{target(arch)}-{name}" if prefix_name else name
    return [
        *_enter_builder(arch, channel),

def _enter_builder(arch: Arch, channel: str | None = None) -> list[str]:
    if "MZ_DEV_CI_BUILDER" in os.environ or sys.platform == "darwin":
        return []
        default_channel = (
            if Sanitizer[os.getenv("CI_SANITIZER", "none")] == Sanitizer.none
            else "nightly"
        return [
            channel if channel else default_channel,

def _bootstrap_darwin(arch: Arch) -> None:
    # Building in Docker for Mac is painfully slow, so we install a
    # cross-compiling toolchain on the host and use that instead.

    BOOTSTRAP_FILE = MZ_ROOT / "target-xcompile" / target(arch) / ".xcompile-bootstrap"
        contents = BOOTSTRAP_FILE.read_text()
    except FileNotFoundError:
        contents = ""
    if contents == BOOTSTRAP_VERSION:

    spawn.runv(["brew", "install", f"materializeinc/crosstools/{target(arch)}"])
    spawn.runv(["rustup", "target", "add", target(arch)])

    BOOTSTRAP_FILE.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)


def cargo(arch: Arch, subcommand: str, rustflags: list[str], channel: str | None = None, extra_env: dict[str, str] = {}) ‑> list[str]

Construct a Cargo invocation for cross compiling.


The CPU architecture to build for.
The Cargo subcommand to invoke.
Override the flags passed to the Rust compiler. If the list is empty, the default flags are used.
The Rust toolchain channel to use. Either None/"stable" or "nightly".


A list of arguments specifying the beginning of the command to invoke.

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def cargo(
    arch: Arch,
    subcommand: str,
    rustflags: list[str],
    channel: str | None = None,
    extra_env: dict[str, str] = {},
) -> list[str]:
    """Construct a Cargo invocation for cross compiling.

        arch: The CPU architecture to build for.
        subcommand: The Cargo subcommand to invoke.
        rustflags: Override the flags passed to the Rust compiler. If the list
            is empty, the default flags are used.
        channel: The Rust toolchain channel to use. Either None/"stable" or "nightly".

        A list of arguments specifying the beginning of the command to invoke.
    _target = target(arch)
    _target_env = _target.upper().replace("-", "_")
    _target_cpu = target_cpu(arch)
    _target_features = ",".join(target_features(arch))

    env = {

    rustflags += [

    if sys.platform == "darwin":
        sysroot = spawn.capture([f"{_target}-cc", "-print-sysroot"]).strip()
        rustflags += [f"-L{sysroot}/lib"]
                "CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME": "Linux",
                f"CARGO_TARGET_{_target_env}_LINKER": f"{_target}-cc",
                "CARGO_TARGET_DIR": str(MZ_ROOT / "target-xcompile"),
                "TARGET_AR": f"{_target}-ar",
                "TARGET_CPP": f"{_target}-cpp",
                "TARGET_CC": f"{_target}-cc",
                "TARGET_CXX": f"{_target}-c++",
                "TARGET_CXXSTDLIB": "static=stdc++",
                "TARGET_LD": f"{_target}-ld",
                "TARGET_RANLIB": f"{_target}-ranlib",
        # NOTE(benesch): The required Rust flags have to be duplicated with
        # their definitions in ci/builder/Dockerfile because `rustc` has no way
        # to merge together Rust flags from different sources.
        rustflags += [

    env.update({"RUSTFLAGS": " ".join(rustflags)})

    return [
        *_enter_builder(arch, channel),
        *(f"{k}={v}" for k, v in env.items()),
def target(arch: Arch) ‑> str

Construct a Linux target triple for the specified architecture.

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def target(arch: Arch) -> str:
    """Construct a Linux target triple for the specified architecture."""
    return f"{arch}-unknown-linux-gnu"
def target_cpu(arch: Arch) ‑> str

Return the CPU micro architecture, assuming a Linux target, we should use for Rust compilation.

Sync: This target-cpu should be kept in sync with the one in ci-builder and .cargo/config.

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def target_cpu(arch: Arch) -> str:
    Return the CPU micro architecture, assuming a Linux target, we should use for Rust compilation.

    Sync: This target-cpu should be kept in sync with the one in ci-builder and .cargo/config.
    if arch == Arch.X86_64:
        return "x86-64-v3"
    elif arch == Arch.AARCH64:
        return "neoverse-n1"
        raise RuntimeError("unreachable")
def target_features(arch: Arch) ‑> list[str]

Returns a list of CPU features we should enable for Rust compilation.

Note: We also specify the CPU target when compiling Rust which should enable the majority of available CPU features.

Sync: This list of features should be kept in sync with the one in ci-builder and .cargo/config.

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def target_features(arch: Arch) -> list[str]:
    Returns a list of CPU features we should enable for Rust compilation.

    Note: We also specify the CPU target when compiling Rust which should enable the majority of
    available CPU features.

    Sync: This list of features should be kept in sync with the one in ci-builder and .cargo/config.
    if arch == Arch.X86_64:
        return ["+aes"]
    elif arch == Arch.AARCH64:
        return ["+aes", "+sha2"]
        raise RuntimeError("unreachable")
def tool(arch: Arch, name: str, channel: str | None = None, prefix_name: bool = True) ‑> list[str]

Constructs a cross-compiling binutils tool invocation.


The CPU architecture to build for.
The name of the binutils tool to invoke.
The Rust toolchain channel to use. Either None/"stable" or "nightly".
Whether or not the tool name should be prefixed with the target architecture.


A list of arguments specifying the beginning of the command to invoke.

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def tool(
    arch: Arch, name: str, channel: str | None = None, prefix_name: bool = True
) -> list[str]:
    """Constructs a cross-compiling binutils tool invocation.

        arch: The CPU architecture to build for.
        name: The name of the binutils tool to invoke.
        channel: The Rust toolchain channel to use. Either None/"stable" or "nightly".
        prefix_name: Whether or not the tool name should be prefixed with the target

        A list of arguments specifying the beginning of the command to invoke.
    if sys.platform == "darwin":
    tool_name = f"{target(arch)}-{name}" if prefix_name else name
    return [
        *_enter_builder(arch, channel),


class Arch (*args, **kwds)

A CPU architecture.

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class Arch(Enum):
    """A CPU architecture."""

    X86_64 = "x86_64"
    """The 64-bit x86 architecture."""

    AARCH64 = "aarch64"
    """The 64-bit ARM architecture."""

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.value

    def go_str(self) -> str:
        """Return the architecture name in Go nomenclature: amd64 or arm64."""
        if self == Arch.X86_64:
            return "amd64"
        elif self == Arch.AARCH64:
            return "arm64"
            raise RuntimeError("unreachable")

    def host() -> "Arch":
        if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
            return Arch.X86_64
        elif platform.machine() in ["aarch64", "arm64"]:
            return Arch.AARCH64
            raise RuntimeError(f"unknown host architecture {platform.machine()}")


  • enum.Enum

Class variables

var AARCH64

The 64-bit ARM architecture.

var X86_64

The 64-bit x86 architecture.

Static methods

def host() ‑> Arch
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def host() -> "Arch":
    if platform.machine() == "x86_64":
        return Arch.X86_64
    elif platform.machine() in ["aarch64", "arm64"]:
        return Arch.AARCH64
        raise RuntimeError(f"unknown host architecture {platform.machine()}")


def go_str(self) ‑> str

Return the architecture name in Go nomenclature: amd64 or arm64.

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def go_str(self) -> str:
    """Return the architecture name in Go nomenclature: amd64 or arm64."""
    if self == Arch.X86_64:
        return "amd64"
    elif self == Arch.AARCH64:
        return "arm64"
        raise RuntimeError("unreachable")