Module materialize.scalability.operations_test

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

import time

from materialize.scalability.operation import Operation, SimpleSqlOperation
from materialize.scalability.operation_data import OperationData

class EmptyOperation(Operation):
    def _execute(self, data: OperationData) -> OperationData:
        return data

class EmptySqlStatement(SimpleSqlOperation):
    def sql_statement(self) -> str:
        return ""

class SleepInPython(Operation):
    def __init__(self, duration_in_sec: float) -> None:
        self.duration_in_sec = duration_in_sec

    def _execute(self, data: OperationData) -> OperationData:
        return data

class SleepInEnvironmentd(SimpleSqlOperation):
    """Run mz_sleep() in a constant query so that the sleep actually happens in environmentd."""

    def __init__(self, duration_in_sec: float) -> None:
        self.duration_in_sec = duration_in_sec

    def sql_statement(self) -> str:
        return f"SELECT mz_unsafe.mz_sleep({self.duration_in_sec});"

class SleepInClusterd(SimpleSqlOperation):
    """Run mz_sleep() in a manner that it will be run in clusterd.
    The first part of the UNION is what makes this query non-constant,
    but at the same time it matches no rows, so mz_sleep will only run once,
    with the input being the `1` from `SELECT 1`

    def __init__(self, duration_in_sec: float) -> None:
        self.duration_in_sec = duration_in_sec

    def sql_statement(self) -> str:
        return f"""
            SELECT mz_unsafe.mz_sleep(f1 * {self.duration_in_sec})
            FROM (
                (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE f1 < 0)
                UNION ALL
                (SELECT 1)


class EmptyOperation
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class EmptyOperation(Operation):
    def _execute(self, data: OperationData) -> OperationData:
        return data


Inherited members

class EmptySqlStatement
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class EmptySqlStatement(SimpleSqlOperation):
    def sql_statement(self) -> str:
        return ""



def sql_statement(self) ‑> str
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def sql_statement(self) -> str:
    return ""

Inherited members

class SleepInClusterd (duration_in_sec: float)

Run mz_sleep() in a manner that it will be run in clusterd. The first part of the UNION is what makes this query non-constant, but at the same time it matches no rows, so mz_sleep will only run once, with the input being the 1 from SELECT 1

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class SleepInClusterd(SimpleSqlOperation):
    """Run mz_sleep() in a manner that it will be run in clusterd.
    The first part of the UNION is what makes this query non-constant,
    but at the same time it matches no rows, so mz_sleep will only run once,
    with the input being the `1` from `SELECT 1`

    def __init__(self, duration_in_sec: float) -> None:
        self.duration_in_sec = duration_in_sec

    def sql_statement(self) -> str:
        return f"""
            SELECT mz_unsafe.mz_sleep(f1 * {self.duration_in_sec})
            FROM (
                (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE f1 < 0)
                UNION ALL
                (SELECT 1)



def sql_statement(self) ‑> str
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def sql_statement(self) -> str:
    return f"""
        SELECT mz_unsafe.mz_sleep(f1 * {self.duration_in_sec})
        FROM (
            (SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE f1 < 0)
            UNION ALL
            (SELECT 1)

Inherited members

class SleepInEnvironmentd (duration_in_sec: float)

Run mz_sleep() in a constant query so that the sleep actually happens in environmentd.

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class SleepInEnvironmentd(SimpleSqlOperation):
    """Run mz_sleep() in a constant query so that the sleep actually happens in environmentd."""

    def __init__(self, duration_in_sec: float) -> None:
        self.duration_in_sec = duration_in_sec

    def sql_statement(self) -> str:
        return f"SELECT mz_unsafe.mz_sleep({self.duration_in_sec});"



def sql_statement(self) ‑> str
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def sql_statement(self) -> str:
    return f"SELECT mz_unsafe.mz_sleep({self.duration_in_sec});"

Inherited members

class SleepInPython (duration_in_sec: float)
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class SleepInPython(Operation):
    def __init__(self, duration_in_sec: float) -> None:
        self.duration_in_sec = duration_in_sec

    def _execute(self, data: OperationData) -> OperationData:
        return data


Inherited members