Module materialize.optbench

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

from importlib import resources
from pathlib import Path
from typing import cast

def resource_path(name: str) -> Path:
    # NOTE: we have to do this cast because pyright is not comfortable with the
    # Traversable protocol.
    return cast(Path, resources.files(__package__)) / name

def scenarios() -> list[str]:
    Determines a list of avilable scenarios based on the intersection
    of files located in both the `schema` and `workload` resource paths.
    schema_files = {".sql")
        for p in resource_path("schema").iterdir()
        if p.is_file() and".sql")
    workload_files = {".sql")
        for p in resource_path("workload").iterdir()
        if p.is_file() and".sql")

    return sorted(schema_files.intersection(workload_files))

class Scenario:
    def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
        self.value = value

    def schema_path(self) -> Path:
        return resource_path(f"schema/{self}.sql")

    def workload_path(self) -> Path:
        return resource_path(f"workload/{self}.sql")

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.value




def resource_path(name: str) ‑> pathlib.Path
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def resource_path(name: str) -> Path:
    # NOTE: we have to do this cast because pyright is not comfortable with the
    # Traversable protocol.
    return cast(Path, resources.files(__package__)) / name
def scenarios() ‑> list[str]

Determines a list of avilable scenarios based on the intersection of files located in both the schema and workload resource paths.

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def scenarios() -> list[str]:
    Determines a list of avilable scenarios based on the intersection
    of files located in both the `schema` and `workload` resource paths.
    schema_files = {".sql")
        for p in resource_path("schema").iterdir()
        if p.is_file() and".sql")
    workload_files = {".sql")
        for p in resource_path("workload").iterdir()
        if p.is_file() and".sql")

    return sorted(schema_files.intersection(workload_files))


class Scenario (value: str)
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class Scenario:
    def __init__(self, value: str) -> None:
        self.value = value

    def schema_path(self) -> Path:
        return resource_path(f"schema/{self}.sql")

    def workload_path(self) -> Path:
        return resource_path(f"workload/{self}.sql")

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.value


def schema_path(self) ‑> pathlib.Path
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def schema_path(self) -> Path:
    return resource_path(f"schema/{self}.sql")
def workload_path(self) ‑> pathlib.Path
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def workload_path(self) -> Path:
    return resource_path(f"workload/{self}.sql")