Module materialize.file_util

File utilities.

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

"""File utilities."""
import glob
from pathlib import Path

from materialize import MZ_ROOT, spawn

def get_recursive_file_list(path: str | Path, root_dir: Path = MZ_ROOT) -> list[str]:
    result = spawn.capture(["find", path, "-type", "f"], cwd=root_dir)
    return _file_list_output_to_list(result)

def resolve_path_with_wildcard(path: str, root_dir: str | Path = MZ_ROOT) -> set[str]:
    return set(glob.glob(path, root_dir=root_dir))

def resolve_paths_with_wildcard(
    paths: set[str], root_dir: str | Path = MZ_ROOT
) -> set[str]:
    result = set()

    for path in paths:
        result = result.union(resolve_path_with_wildcard(path, root_dir))

    return result

def _file_list_output_to_list(output: str) -> list[str]:
    files = output.split("\n")
    return [file for file in files if file != ""]


def get_recursive_file_list(path: str | pathlib.Path, root_dir: pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/buildkite-15f2293-i-0fee36482fe3e8a84-1/materialize/deploy')) ‑> list[str]
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def get_recursive_file_list(path: str | Path, root_dir: Path = MZ_ROOT) -> list[str]:
    result = spawn.capture(["find", path, "-type", "f"], cwd=root_dir)
    return _file_list_output_to_list(result)
def resolve_path_with_wildcard(path: str, root_dir: str | pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/buildkite-15f2293-i-0fee36482fe3e8a84-1/materialize/deploy')) ‑> set[str]
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def resolve_path_with_wildcard(path: str, root_dir: str | Path = MZ_ROOT) -> set[str]:
    return set(glob.glob(path, root_dir=root_dir))
def resolve_paths_with_wildcard(paths: set[str], root_dir: str | pathlib.Path = PosixPath('/var/lib/buildkite-agent/builds/buildkite-15f2293-i-0fee36482fe3e8a84-1/materialize/deploy')) ‑> set[str]
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def resolve_paths_with_wildcard(
    paths: set[str], root_dir: str | Path = MZ_ROOT
) -> set[str]:
    result = set()

    for path in paths:
        result = result.union(resolve_path_with_wildcard(path, root_dir))

    return result