Module materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

import re
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

from parameterized import parameterized_class  # type: ignore

import materialize.optbench
import materialize.optbench.sql
from materialize.feature_benchmark.action import Action
from materialize.feature_benchmark.executor import Executor
from materialize.feature_benchmark.measurement import MeasurementType
from materialize.feature_benchmark.measurement_source import (
from materialize.feature_benchmark.scenario import Scenario

# for pdoc ignores
__pdoc__ = {}

class OptbenchInit(Action):
    def __init__(self, scenario: str, no_indexes: bool = False) -> None:
        self._executor: Executor | None = None
        self._scenario = scenario
        self._no_indexes = no_indexes

    def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) -> None:
        e = executor or self._executor
        statements = materialize.optbench.sql.parse_from_file(
        if self._no_indexes:
            idx_re = re.compile(r"(create|create\s+default|drop)\s+index\s+")
            statements = [
                for statement in statements
                if not idx_re.match(statement.lower())
        e._composition.sql("\n".join(statements))  # type: ignore

class OptbenchRun(MeasurementSource):
    def __init__(self, optbench_scenario: str, query: int):
        self._executor: Executor | None = None
        self._optbench_scenario = optbench_scenario
        self._query = query

    def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) -> list[Timestamp]:
        assert not (executor is None and self._executor is None)
        assert not (executor is not None and self._executor is not None)
        e = executor or self._executor

        queries = materialize.optbench.sql.parse_from_file(
        assert 1 <= self._query <= len(queries)
        query = queries[self._query - 1]
        explain_query = materialize.optbench.sql.Query(query).explain(timing=True)
        explain_output = materialize.optbench.sql.ExplainOutput(
            e._composition.sql_query(explain_query)[0][0]  # type: ignore
        # Optimization time is in microseconds, divide by 3 to get a more readable number (still in wrong unit)
        timestamps = [0, float(explain_output.optimization_time()) / 3]  # type: ignore
        return timestamps

def name_with_query(
    cls: type["OptbenchTPCH"], num: int, params_dict: dict[str, Any]
) -> str:
    return f"OptbenchTPCHQ{params_dict['QUERY']:02d}"

for i in range(1, 23):
    __pdoc__[f"OptbenchTPCHQ{i:02d}"] = False

    [{"QUERY": i} for i in range(1, 23)], class_name_func=name_with_query
class OptbenchTPCH(Scenario):
    """Run optbench TPCH for optimizer benchmarks"""

    QUERY = 1
    RELATIVE_THRESHOLD: dict[MeasurementType, float] = {
        MeasurementType.WALLCLOCK: 0.20,  # increased because it's easy to regress
        MeasurementType.MESSAGES: 0.10,
        MeasurementType.MEMORY: 0.10,

    def init(self) -> list[Action]:
        return [OptbenchInit("tpch")]

    def benchmark(self) -> MeasurementSource:
        return OptbenchRun("tpch", self.QUERY)


def name_with_query(cls: type['OptbenchTPCH'], num: int, params_dict: dict[str, typing.Any]) ‑> str
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def name_with_query(
    cls: type["OptbenchTPCH"], num: int, params_dict: dict[str, Any]
) -> str:
    return f"OptbenchTPCHQ{params_dict['QUERY']:02d}"


class OptbenchInit (scenario: str, no_indexes: bool = False)
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class OptbenchInit(Action):
    def __init__(self, scenario: str, no_indexes: bool = False) -> None:
        self._executor: Executor | None = None
        self._scenario = scenario
        self._no_indexes = no_indexes

    def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) -> None:
        e = executor or self._executor
        statements = materialize.optbench.sql.parse_from_file(
        if self._no_indexes:
            idx_re = re.compile(r"(create|create\s+default|drop)\s+index\s+")
            statements = [
                for statement in statements
                if not idx_re.match(statement.lower())
        e._composition.sql("\n".join(statements))  # type: ignore



def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) ‑> None
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def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) -> None:
    e = executor or self._executor
    statements = materialize.optbench.sql.parse_from_file(
    if self._no_indexes:
        idx_re = re.compile(r"(create|create\s+default|drop)\s+index\s+")
        statements = [
            for statement in statements
            if not idx_re.match(statement.lower())
    e._composition.sql("\n".join(statements))  # type: ignore
class OptbenchRun (optbench_scenario: str, query: int)
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class OptbenchRun(MeasurementSource):
    def __init__(self, optbench_scenario: str, query: int):
        self._executor: Executor | None = None
        self._optbench_scenario = optbench_scenario
        self._query = query

    def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) -> list[Timestamp]:
        assert not (executor is None and self._executor is None)
        assert not (executor is not None and self._executor is not None)
        e = executor or self._executor

        queries = materialize.optbench.sql.parse_from_file(
        assert 1 <= self._query <= len(queries)
        query = queries[self._query - 1]
        explain_query = materialize.optbench.sql.Query(query).explain(timing=True)
        explain_output = materialize.optbench.sql.ExplainOutput(
            e._composition.sql_query(explain_query)[0][0]  # type: ignore
        # Optimization time is in microseconds, divide by 3 to get a more readable number (still in wrong unit)
        timestamps = [0, float(explain_output.optimization_time()) / 3]  # type: ignore
        return timestamps



def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) ‑> list[float]
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def run(self, executor: Executor | None = None) -> list[Timestamp]:
    assert not (executor is None and self._executor is None)
    assert not (executor is not None and self._executor is not None)
    e = executor or self._executor

    queries = materialize.optbench.sql.parse_from_file(
    assert 1 <= self._query <= len(queries)
    query = queries[self._query - 1]
    explain_query = materialize.optbench.sql.Query(query).explain(timing=True)
    explain_output = materialize.optbench.sql.ExplainOutput(
        e._composition.sql_query(explain_query)[0][0]  # type: ignore
    # Optimization time is in microseconds, divide by 3 to get a more readable number (still in wrong unit)
    timestamps = [0, float(explain_output.optimization_time()) / 3]  # type: ignore
    return timestamps
class OptbenchTPCH (scale: float, mz_version: MzVersion, default_size: int, seed: int)

Run optbench TPCH for optimizer benchmarks

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    [{"QUERY": i} for i in range(1, 23)], class_name_func=name_with_query
class OptbenchTPCH(Scenario):
    """Run optbench TPCH for optimizer benchmarks"""

    QUERY = 1
    RELATIVE_THRESHOLD: dict[MeasurementType, float] = {
        MeasurementType.WALLCLOCK: 0.20,  # increased because it's easy to regress
        MeasurementType.MESSAGES: 0.10,
        MeasurementType.MEMORY: 0.10,

    def init(self) -> list[Action]:
        return [OptbenchInit("tpch")]

    def benchmark(self) -> MeasurementSource:
        return OptbenchRun("tpch", self.QUERY)



  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ01
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ02
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ03
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ04
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ05
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ06
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ07
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ08
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ09
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ10
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ11
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ12
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ13
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ14
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ15
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ16
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ17
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ18
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ19
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ20
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ21
  • materialize.feature_benchmark.scenarios.optbench.OptbenchTPCHQ22

Class variables

var RELATIVE_THRESHOLD : dict[MeasurementType, float]


def benchmark(self) ‑> MeasurementSource
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def benchmark(self) -> MeasurementSource:
    return OptbenchRun("tpch", self.QUERY)
def init(self) ‑> list[Action]
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def init(self) -> list[Action]:
    return [OptbenchInit("tpch")]

Inherited members