Module materialize.cli.lint-cargo

Check our set of Cargo.toml files for issues

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

"""Check our set of Cargo.toml files for issues"""

import sys
from pprint import pprint

from materialize import MZ_ROOT
from materialize.cargo import Workspace

def check_rust_versions(workspace: Workspace) -> bool:
    """Checks that every crate has a minimum specified rust version, and furthermore,
    that they are all the same."""

    rust_version_to_crate_name: dict[str | None, list[str]] = {}
    for name, crate in workspace.crates.items():
        rust_version_to_crate_name.setdefault(crate.rust_version, []).append(name)
    success = (
        len(rust_version_to_crate_name) == 1 and None not in rust_version_to_crate_name
    if not success:
            "Not all crates have the same rust-version value. Rust versions found:",
        pprint(rust_version_to_crate_name, stream=sys.stderr)
    return success

def main() -> None:
    workspace = Workspace(MZ_ROOT)
    lints = [check_rust_versions]
    success = True
    for lint in lints:
        success = success and lint(workspace)
    if not success:

if __name__ == "__main__":


def check_rust_versions(workspace: Workspace) ‑> bool

Checks that every crate has a minimum specified rust version, and furthermore, that they are all the same.

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def check_rust_versions(workspace: Workspace) -> bool:
    """Checks that every crate has a minimum specified rust version, and furthermore,
    that they are all the same."""

    rust_version_to_crate_name: dict[str | None, list[str]] = {}
    for name, crate in workspace.crates.items():
        rust_version_to_crate_name.setdefault(crate.rust_version, []).append(name)
    success = (
        len(rust_version_to_crate_name) == 1 and None not in rust_version_to_crate_name
    if not success:
            "Not all crates have the same rust-version value. Rust versions found:",
        pprint(rust_version_to_crate_name, stream=sys.stderr)
    return success
def main() ‑> None
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def main() -> None:
    workspace = Workspace(MZ_ROOT)
    lints = [check_rust_versions]
    success = True
    for lint in lints:
        success = success and lint(workspace)
    if not success: