Module materialize.cli.ci_annotate_errors

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# Copyright Materialize, Inc. and contributors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
# included in the LICENSE file at the root of this repository.
# As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
# the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
# by the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# - Detect errors in junit xml as well as log files
# during CI and find associated open GitHub issues in Materialize repository.

import argparse
import mmap
import os
import re
import sys
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any

import requests
from junitparser.junitparser import Error, Failure, JUnitXml

from materialize import ci_util, ui
from materialize.buildkite import add_annotation_raw, get_artifact_url, truncate_str
from materialize.buildkite_insights.buildkite_api import builds_api, generic_api
from materialize.buildkite_insights.buildkite_api.buildkite_constants import (
from materialize.buildkite_insights.steps.build_step import (

CI_RE = re.compile("ci-regexp: (.*)")
CI_APPLY_TO = re.compile("ci-apply-to: (.*)")

# Unexpected failures, report them
ERROR_RE = re.compile(
    ^ .*
    ( segfault\ at
    | trap\ invalid\ opcode
    | general\ protection
    | has\ overflowed\ its\ stack
    | internal\ error:
    | \*\ FATAL:
    | [Oo]ut\ [Oo]f\ [Mm]emory
    | cannot\ migrate\ from\ catalog
    | halting\ process: # Rust unwrap
    | fatal runtime error: # stack overflow
    | \[SQLsmith\] # Unknown errors are logged
    | \[SQLancer\] # Unknown errors are logged
    | environmentd:\ fatal: # startup failure
    | clusterd:\ fatal: # startup failure
    | error:\ Found\ argument\ '.*'\ which\ wasn't\ expected,\ or\ isn't\ valid\ in\ this\ context
    | environmentd .* unrecognized\ configuration\ parameter
    | cannot\ load\ unknown\ system\ parameter\ from\ catalog\ storage
    | SUMMARY:\ .*Sanitizer
    .* $

# Panics are multiline and our log lines of multiple services are interleaved,
# making them complex to handle in regular expressions, thus handle them
# separately.
# Example 1: launchdarkly-materialized-1  | thread 'coordinator' panicked at [...]
# Example 2: [pod/environmentd-0/environmentd] thread 'coordinator' panicked at [...]
    rb"^(\[)?(?P<service>[^ ]*)(\s*\||\]) thread '.*' panicked at "
# Example 1: launchdarkly-materialized-1  | global timestamp must always go up
# Example 2: [pod/environmentd-0/environmentd] Unknown collection identifier u2082
SERVICES_LOG_LINE_RE = re.compile(rb"^(\[)?(?P<service>[^ ]*)(\s*\||\]) (?P<msg>.*)$")

# Expected failures, don't report them
IGNORE_RE = re.compile(
    # Expected in restart test
    ( restart-materialized-1\ \ \|\ thread\ 'coordinator'\ panicked\ at\ 'can't\ persist\ timestamp
    # Expected in restart test
    | restart-materialized-1\ *|\ thread\ 'coordinator'\ panicked\ at\ 'external\ operation\ .*\ failed\ unrecoverably.*
    # Expected in cluster test
    | cluster-clusterd[12]-1\ .*\ halting\ process:\ new\ timely\ configuration\ does\ not\ match\ existing\ timely\ configuration
    # Emitted by tests employing explicit mz_panic()
    | forced\ panic
    # Emitted by broken_statements.slt in order to stop panic propagation, as 'forced panic' will unwantedly panic the `environmentd` thread.
    | forced\ optimizer\ panic
    # Expected once compute cluster has panicked, brings no new information
    | timely\ communication\ error:
    # Expected once compute cluster has panicked, only happens in CI
    | aborting\ because\ propagate_crashes\ is\ enabled
    # Expected when CRDB is corrupted
    | restart-materialized-1\ .*relation\ \\"fence\\"\ does\ not\ exist
    # Expected when CRDB is corrupted
    | restart-materialized-1\ .*relation\ "consensus"\ does\ not\ exist
    # Will print a separate panic line which will be handled and contains the relevant information (new style)
    | internal\ error:\ unexpected\ panic\ during\ query\ optimization
    # redpanda INFO logging
    | larger\ sizes\ prevent\ running\ out\ of\ memory
    # Old versions won't support new parameters
    | (platform-checks|legacy-upgrade|upgrade-matrix|feature-benchmark)-materialized-.* \| .*cannot\ load\ unknown\ system\ parameter\ from\ catalog\ storage
    # Fencing warnings are OK in fencing tests
    | persist-txn-fencing-mz_first-.* \| .*unexpected\ fence\ epoch
    | persist-txn-fencing-mz_first-.* \| .*fenced\ by\ new\ catalog\ upper
    | persist-txn-fencing-mz_first-.* \| .*fenced\ by\ new\ catalog\ epoch
    | platform-checks-mz_txn_tables.* \| .*unexpected\ fence\ epoch
    | platform-checks-mz_txn_tables.* \| .*fenced\ by\ new\ catalog\ upper
    | platform-checks-mz_txn_tables.* \| .*fenced\ by\ new\ catalog\ epoch
    # For platform-checks upgrade tests
    | platform-checks-clusterd.* \| .* received\ persist\ state\ from\ the\ future
    | cannot\ load\ unknown\ system\ parameter\ from\ catalog\ storage(\ to\ set\ (default|configured)\ parameter)?
    | internal\ error:\ no\ AWS\ external\ ID\ prefix\ configured
    # For tests we purposely trigger this error
    | skip-version-upgrade-materialized.* \| .* incompatible\ persist\ version\ \d+\.\d+\.\d+(-dev)?,\ current:\ \d+\.\d+\.\d+(-dev)?,\ make\ sure\ to\ upgrade\ the\ catalog\ one\ version\ at\ a\ time

class KnownIssue:
    regex: re.Pattern[Any]
    apply_to: str | None
    info: dict[str, Any]

class ErrorLog:
    match: bytes
    file: str

class JunitError:
    testcase: str
    message: str
    text: str

def main() -> int:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
ci-annotate-errors detects errors in junit xml as well as log files during CI
and finds associated open GitHub issues in Materialize repository.""",

    parser.add_argument("log_files", nargs="+", help="log files to search in")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    return annotate_logged_errors(args.log_files)

def annotate_errors(
    unknown_errors: list[str],
    known_errors: list[str],
    failures_on_main: str | None,
) -> None:
    assert unknown_errors or known_errors
    style = "info" if not unknown_errors else "error"
    unknown_errors = group_identical_errors(unknown_errors)
    known_errors = group_identical_errors(known_errors)

    if unknown_errors:
        text = f"<a href=\"#{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_JOB_ID') or ''}\">{get_suite_name()}</a> failed"
        if failures_on_main:
            text += ", " + failures_on_main
        action = (
            if os.getenv("BUILDKITE_COMMAND_EXIT_STATUS") != "0"
            else "succeeded"
        text = f"<details><summary><a href=\"#{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_JOB_ID') or ''}\">{get_suite_name()}</a> {action} with known error logs"
        if failures_on_main:
            text += ", " + failures_on_main
        text += "</summary>\n"
    if unknown_errors:
        text += "\n" + "\n".join(f"* {error}" for error in unknown_errors)
    if known_errors:
        text += "\n" + "\n".join(f"* {error}" for error in known_errors)
    if not unknown_errors:
        text += "\n</details>"
    add_annotation_raw(style=style, markdown=text)

def group_identical_errors(errors: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    errors_with_counts: dict[str, int] = {}

    for error in errors:
        errors_with_counts[error] = 1 + errors_with_counts.get(error, 0)

    consolidated_errors = []

    for error, count in errors_with_counts.items():
            error if count == 1 else f"{error}\n({count} occurrences)"

    return consolidated_errors

def annotate_logged_errors(log_files: list[str]) -> int:
    Returns the number of unknown errors, 0 when all errors are known or there
    were no errors logged. This will be used to fail a test even if the test
    itself succeeded, as long as it had any unknown error logs.

    errors = get_errors(log_files)

    if not errors:
        return 0

    step_key: str = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_STEP_KEY", "")
    buildkite_label: str = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_LABEL", "")

    (known_issues, unknown_errors) = get_known_issues_from_github()

    artifacts = ci_util.get_artifacts()
    job = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID")

    known_errors: list[str] = []

    # Keep track of known errors so we log each only once
    already_reported_issue_numbers: set[int] = set()

    def handle_error(error_message: bytes, location: str):
        # Don't have too huge output, so truncate
        formatted_error_message = f"```\n{sanitize_text(truncate_str(error_message.decode('utf-8'), 10_000))}\n```"

        for issue in known_issues:
            match =
            if match and["state"] == "open":
                if issue.apply_to and issue.apply_to not in (

                if["number"] not in already_reported_issue_numbers:
                        f"Known issue <a href=\"{['html_url']}\">{['title']} (#{['number']})</a> in {location}:\n{formatted_error_message}"
            for issue in known_issues:
                match =
                if match and["state"] == "closed":
                    if issue.apply_to and issue.apply_to not in (

                    if["number"] not in already_reported_issue_numbers:
                            f"Potential regression <a href=\"{['html_url']}\">{['title']} (#{['number']}, closed)</a> in {location}:\n{formatted_error_message}"
                    f"Unknown error in {location}:\n{formatted_error_message}"

    for error in errors:
        if isinstance(error, ErrorLog):
            for artifact in artifacts:
                if artifact["job_id"] == job and artifact["path"] == error.file:
                    linked_file: str = (
                        f'<a href="{get_artifact_url(artifact)}">{error.file}</a>'
                linked_file: str = error.file

            handle_error(error.match, linked_file)

            msg = "\n".join(filter(None, [error.message, error.text]))
            if "in Code Coverage" in error.text or "covered" in error.message:
                # Don't bother looking up known issues for code coverage report, just print it verbatim as an info message
                handle_error(msg.encode("utf-8"), error.testcase)

    failures_on_main = get_failures_on_main()
    annotate_errors(unknown_errors, known_errors, failures_on_main)

    if unknown_errors:
        print(f"+++ Failing test because of {len(unknown_errors)} unknown error(s)")

    # No need for rest of the logic as no error logs were found, but since
    # this script was called the test still failed, so showing the current
    # failures on main branch.
    # Only fetch the main branch status when we are running in CI, but no on
    # main, so inside of a PR or a release branch instead.
    if (
        len(unknown_errors) == 0
        and len(known_errors) == 0
        and ui.env_is_truthy("BUILDKITE")
        and os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BRANCH") != "main"
        and os.getenv("BUILDKITE_COMMAND_EXIT_STATUS") != "0"
        and get_job_state() not in ("canceling", "canceled")
        text = f"<a href=\"#{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_JOB_ID') or ''}\">{get_suite_name()}</a> failed, but no error in logs found"
        if failures_on_main:
            text += ", " + failures_on_main
        add_annotation_raw(style="error", markdown=text)

    return len(unknown_errors)

def get_errors(log_file_names: list[str]) -> list[ErrorLog | JunitError]:
    error_logs = []
    for log_file_name in log_file_names:
        # junit_testdrive_* is excluded by this, but currently
        # not more useful than junit_mzcompose anyway
        if "junit_" in log_file_name and "junit_testdrive_" not in log_file_name:
            xml = JUnitXml.fromfile(log_file_name)
            for suite in xml:
                for case in suite:
                    for result in case.result:
                        if not isinstance(result, Error) and not isinstance(
                            result, Failure
                      , result.message or "", result.text or ""
            with open(log_file_name, "r+") as f:
                    data: Any = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
                except ValueError:
                    # empty file, ignore

                error_logs.extend(_collect_errors_in_logs(data, log_file_name))
                error_logs.extend(_collect_service_panics_in_logs(data, log_file_name))

    return error_logs

def _collect_errors_in_logs(data: Any, log_file_name: str) -> list[ErrorLog]:
    collected_errors = []

    for match in ERROR_RE.finditer(data):
        # environmentd segfaults during normal shutdown in coverage builds, see #20016
        # Ignoring this in regular ways would still be quite spammy.
        if (
            b"environmentd" in
            and b"segfault at" in
            and ui.env_is_truthy("CI_COVERAGE_ENABLED")
        collected_errors.append(ErrorLog(, log_file_name))

    return collected_errors

def _collect_service_panics_in_logs(data: Any, log_file_name: str) -> list[ErrorLog]:
    collected_panics = []

    open_panics = {}
    for line in iter(data.readline, b""):
        line = line.rstrip(b"\n")
        if match := PANIC_IN_SERVICE_START_RE.match(line):
            service ="service")
            assert (
                service not in open_panics
            ), f"Two panics of same service {service} interleaving: {line}"
            open_panics[service] = line
        elif open_panics:
            if match := SERVICES_LOG_LINE_RE.match(line):
                # Handling every services.log line here, filter to
                # handle only the ones which are currently in a panic
                # handler:
                if panic_start := open_panics.get("service")):
                    del open_panics["service")]
                        ErrorLog(panic_start + b" " +"msg"), log_file_name)
    assert not open_panics, f"Panic log never finished: {open_panics}"

    return collected_panics

def sanitize_text(text: str, max_length: int = 4000) -> str:
    if len(text) > max_length:
        text = text[:max_length] + " [...]"

    text = text.replace("```", r"\`\`\`")

    return text

def get_known_issues_from_github_page(page: int = 1) -> Any:
    headers = {
        "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",
        "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28",
    if token := os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN"):
        headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}"

    response = requests.get(

    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise ValueError(f"Bad return code from GitHub: {response.status_code}")

    issues_json = response.json()
    assert issues_json["incomplete_results"] == False
    return issues_json

def get_known_issues_from_github() -> tuple[list[KnownIssue], list[str]]:
    page = 1
    issues_json = get_known_issues_from_github_page(page)
    while issues_json["total_count"] > len(issues_json["items"]):
        page += 1
        next_page_json = get_known_issues_from_github_page(page)
        if not next_page_json["items"]:

    unknown_errors = []
    known_issues = []

    for issue in issues_json["items"]:
        matches = CI_RE.findall(issue["body"])
        matches_apply_to = CI_APPLY_TO.findall(issue["body"])
        for match in matches:
                regex_pattern = re.compile(match.strip().encode("utf-8"))
                    f"<a href=\"{['html_url']}\">{['title']} (#{['number']})</a>: Invalid regex in ci-regexp: {match.strip()}, ignoring"

            if matches_apply_to:
                for match_apply_to in matches_apply_to:
                        KnownIssue(regex_pattern, match_apply_to.strip().lower(), issue)
                known_issues.append(KnownIssue(regex_pattern, None, issue))

    return (known_issues, unknown_errors)

def get_failures_on_main() -> str | None:
    pipeline_slug = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG")
    step_key = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_STEP_KEY")
    step_name = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_LABEL") or step_key
    parallel_job = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB")
    current_build_number = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER")
    if parallel_job is not None:
        parallel_job = int(parallel_job)
    assert pipeline_slug is not None
    assert step_key is not None
    assert step_name is not None
    assert current_build_number is not None

    # This is only supposed to be invoked when the build step failed.
    builds_data = builds_api.get_builds(
        # also include builds that are still running (the relevant build step may already have completed)
        build_states=["running", "passed", "failing", "failed"],
        # assume and account that at most one build is still running
        items_per_page=5 + 1,

    if not builds_data:
        print(f"Got no finished builds of pipeline {pipeline_slug}")
        return None
        print(f"Fetched {len(builds_data)} builds of pipeline {pipeline_slug}")

    build_step_matcher = BuildStepMatcher(step_key, parallel_job)
    last_build_step_outcomes = extract_build_step_outcomes(

    # remove the current build
    last_build_step_outcomes = [
        for outcome in last_build_step_outcomes
        if outcome.build_number != current_build_number

    if len(last_build_step_outcomes) > 8:
        # the number of build steps might be higher than the number of requested builds due to retries
        last_build_step_outcomes = last_build_step_outcomes[:8]

    if not last_build_step_outcomes:
            f"The {len(builds_data)} last fetched builds do not contain a completed build step matching {build_step_matcher}"
        return None

    return (
        f"<a href=\"/materialize/{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG')}/builds?branch=main\">main</a> history: "
        + "".join(
                f"<a href=\"{outcome.web_url_to_job}\">{':bk-status-passed:' if outcome.passed else ':bk-status-failed:'}</a>"
                for outcome in last_build_step_outcomes

def get_job_state() -> str:
    pipeline_slug = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG")
    build_number = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER")
    job_id = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID")
    url = f"organizations/materialize/pipelines/{pipeline_slug}/builds/{build_number}"
    build = generic_api.get(url, {})
    for job in build["jobs"]:
        if job["id"] == job_id:
            return job["state"]
    raise ValueError("Job not found")

def get_suite_name() -> str:
    suite_name = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_LABEL", "Unknown Test")

    retry_count = int(os.getenv("BUILDKITE_RETRY_COUNT", "0"))
    if retry_count > 0:
        suite_name += f" (#{retry_count + 1})"

    return suite_name

def for_github_re(text: bytes) -> bytes:
    Matching newlines in regular expressions is kind of annoying, don't expect
    ci-regexp to do that correctly, but instead replace all newlines with a
    space. For examples this makes matching this panic easier:

      thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/
      assertion `left == right` failed

    Previously the regex should have been:
      thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/*\n.*left == right

    With this function it can be:
      thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/*left == right
    return text.replace(b"\n", b" ")

if __name__ == "__main__":


def annotate_errors(unknown_errors: list[str], known_errors: list[str], failures_on_main: str | None) ‑> None
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def annotate_errors(
    unknown_errors: list[str],
    known_errors: list[str],
    failures_on_main: str | None,
) -> None:
    assert unknown_errors or known_errors
    style = "info" if not unknown_errors else "error"
    unknown_errors = group_identical_errors(unknown_errors)
    known_errors = group_identical_errors(known_errors)

    if unknown_errors:
        text = f"<a href=\"#{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_JOB_ID') or ''}\">{get_suite_name()}</a> failed"
        if failures_on_main:
            text += ", " + failures_on_main
        action = (
            if os.getenv("BUILDKITE_COMMAND_EXIT_STATUS") != "0"
            else "succeeded"
        text = f"<details><summary><a href=\"#{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_JOB_ID') or ''}\">{get_suite_name()}</a> {action} with known error logs"
        if failures_on_main:
            text += ", " + failures_on_main
        text += "</summary>\n"
    if unknown_errors:
        text += "\n" + "\n".join(f"* {error}" for error in unknown_errors)
    if known_errors:
        text += "\n" + "\n".join(f"* {error}" for error in known_errors)
    if not unknown_errors:
        text += "\n</details>"
    add_annotation_raw(style=style, markdown=text)
def annotate_logged_errors(log_files: list[str]) ‑> int

Returns the number of unknown errors, 0 when all errors are known or there were no errors logged. This will be used to fail a test even if the test itself succeeded, as long as it had any unknown error logs.

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def annotate_logged_errors(log_files: list[str]) -> int:
    Returns the number of unknown errors, 0 when all errors are known or there
    were no errors logged. This will be used to fail a test even if the test
    itself succeeded, as long as it had any unknown error logs.

    errors = get_errors(log_files)

    if not errors:
        return 0

    step_key: str = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_STEP_KEY", "")
    buildkite_label: str = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_LABEL", "")

    (known_issues, unknown_errors) = get_known_issues_from_github()

    artifacts = ci_util.get_artifacts()
    job = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID")

    known_errors: list[str] = []

    # Keep track of known errors so we log each only once
    already_reported_issue_numbers: set[int] = set()

    def handle_error(error_message: bytes, location: str):
        # Don't have too huge output, so truncate
        formatted_error_message = f"```\n{sanitize_text(truncate_str(error_message.decode('utf-8'), 10_000))}\n```"

        for issue in known_issues:
            match =
            if match and["state"] == "open":
                if issue.apply_to and issue.apply_to not in (

                if["number"] not in already_reported_issue_numbers:
                        f"Known issue <a href=\"{['html_url']}\">{['title']} (#{['number']})</a> in {location}:\n{formatted_error_message}"
            for issue in known_issues:
                match =
                if match and["state"] == "closed":
                    if issue.apply_to and issue.apply_to not in (

                    if["number"] not in already_reported_issue_numbers:
                            f"Potential regression <a href=\"{['html_url']}\">{['title']} (#{['number']}, closed)</a> in {location}:\n{formatted_error_message}"
                    f"Unknown error in {location}:\n{formatted_error_message}"

    for error in errors:
        if isinstance(error, ErrorLog):
            for artifact in artifacts:
                if artifact["job_id"] == job and artifact["path"] == error.file:
                    linked_file: str = (
                        f'<a href="{get_artifact_url(artifact)}">{error.file}</a>'
                linked_file: str = error.file

            handle_error(error.match, linked_file)

            msg = "\n".join(filter(None, [error.message, error.text]))
            if "in Code Coverage" in error.text or "covered" in error.message:
                # Don't bother looking up known issues for code coverage report, just print it verbatim as an info message
                handle_error(msg.encode("utf-8"), error.testcase)

    failures_on_main = get_failures_on_main()
    annotate_errors(unknown_errors, known_errors, failures_on_main)

    if unknown_errors:
        print(f"+++ Failing test because of {len(unknown_errors)} unknown error(s)")

    # No need for rest of the logic as no error logs were found, but since
    # this script was called the test still failed, so showing the current
    # failures on main branch.
    # Only fetch the main branch status when we are running in CI, but no on
    # main, so inside of a PR or a release branch instead.
    if (
        len(unknown_errors) == 0
        and len(known_errors) == 0
        and ui.env_is_truthy("BUILDKITE")
        and os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BRANCH") != "main"
        and os.getenv("BUILDKITE_COMMAND_EXIT_STATUS") != "0"
        and get_job_state() not in ("canceling", "canceled")
        text = f"<a href=\"#{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_JOB_ID') or ''}\">{get_suite_name()}</a> failed, but no error in logs found"
        if failures_on_main:
            text += ", " + failures_on_main
        add_annotation_raw(style="error", markdown=text)

    return len(unknown_errors)
def for_github_re(text: bytes) ‑> bytes

Matching newlines in regular expressions is kind of annoying, don't expect ci-regexp to do that correctly, but instead replace all newlines with a space. For examples this makes matching this panic easier:

  thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/
  assertion `left == right` failed

Previously the regex should have been:
  thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/*

.*left == right

With this function it can be:
  thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/*left == right
Expand source code Browse git
def for_github_re(text: bytes) -> bytes:
    Matching newlines in regular expressions is kind of annoying, don't expect
    ci-regexp to do that correctly, but instead replace all newlines with a
    space. For examples this makes matching this panic easier:

      thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/
      assertion `left == right` failed

    Previously the regex should have been:
      thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/*\n.*left == right

    With this function it can be:
      thread 'test_auth_deduplication' panicked at src/environmentd/tests/*left == right
    return text.replace(b"\n", b" ")
def get_errors(log_file_names: list[str]) ‑> list[ErrorLog | JunitError]
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def get_errors(log_file_names: list[str]) -> list[ErrorLog | JunitError]:
    error_logs = []
    for log_file_name in log_file_names:
        # junit_testdrive_* is excluded by this, but currently
        # not more useful than junit_mzcompose anyway
        if "junit_" in log_file_name and "junit_testdrive_" not in log_file_name:
            xml = JUnitXml.fromfile(log_file_name)
            for suite in xml:
                for case in suite:
                    for result in case.result:
                        if not isinstance(result, Error) and not isinstance(
                            result, Failure
                      , result.message or "", result.text or ""
            with open(log_file_name, "r+") as f:
                    data: Any = mmap.mmap(f.fileno(), 0)
                except ValueError:
                    # empty file, ignore

                error_logs.extend(_collect_errors_in_logs(data, log_file_name))
                error_logs.extend(_collect_service_panics_in_logs(data, log_file_name))

    return error_logs
def get_failures_on_main() ‑> str | None
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def get_failures_on_main() -> str | None:
    pipeline_slug = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG")
    step_key = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_STEP_KEY")
    step_name = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_LABEL") or step_key
    parallel_job = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_PARALLEL_JOB")
    current_build_number = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER")
    if parallel_job is not None:
        parallel_job = int(parallel_job)
    assert pipeline_slug is not None
    assert step_key is not None
    assert step_name is not None
    assert current_build_number is not None

    # This is only supposed to be invoked when the build step failed.
    builds_data = builds_api.get_builds(
        # also include builds that are still running (the relevant build step may already have completed)
        build_states=["running", "passed", "failing", "failed"],
        # assume and account that at most one build is still running
        items_per_page=5 + 1,

    if not builds_data:
        print(f"Got no finished builds of pipeline {pipeline_slug}")
        return None
        print(f"Fetched {len(builds_data)} builds of pipeline {pipeline_slug}")

    build_step_matcher = BuildStepMatcher(step_key, parallel_job)
    last_build_step_outcomes = extract_build_step_outcomes(

    # remove the current build
    last_build_step_outcomes = [
        for outcome in last_build_step_outcomes
        if outcome.build_number != current_build_number

    if len(last_build_step_outcomes) > 8:
        # the number of build steps might be higher than the number of requested builds due to retries
        last_build_step_outcomes = last_build_step_outcomes[:8]

    if not last_build_step_outcomes:
            f"The {len(builds_data)} last fetched builds do not contain a completed build step matching {build_step_matcher}"
        return None

    return (
        f"<a href=\"/materialize/{os.getenv('BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG')}/builds?branch=main\">main</a> history: "
        + "".join(
                f"<a href=\"{outcome.web_url_to_job}\">{':bk-status-passed:' if outcome.passed else ':bk-status-failed:'}</a>"
                for outcome in last_build_step_outcomes
def get_job_state() ‑> str
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def get_job_state() -> str:
    pipeline_slug = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_PIPELINE_SLUG")
    build_number = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_BUILD_NUMBER")
    job_id = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_JOB_ID")
    url = f"organizations/materialize/pipelines/{pipeline_slug}/builds/{build_number}"
    build = generic_api.get(url, {})
    for job in build["jobs"]:
        if job["id"] == job_id:
            return job["state"]
    raise ValueError("Job not found")
def get_known_issues_from_github() ‑> tuple[list[KnownIssue], list[str]]
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def get_known_issues_from_github() -> tuple[list[KnownIssue], list[str]]:
    page = 1
    issues_json = get_known_issues_from_github_page(page)
    while issues_json["total_count"] > len(issues_json["items"]):
        page += 1
        next_page_json = get_known_issues_from_github_page(page)
        if not next_page_json["items"]:

    unknown_errors = []
    known_issues = []

    for issue in issues_json["items"]:
        matches = CI_RE.findall(issue["body"])
        matches_apply_to = CI_APPLY_TO.findall(issue["body"])
        for match in matches:
                regex_pattern = re.compile(match.strip().encode("utf-8"))
                    f"<a href=\"{['html_url']}\">{['title']} (#{['number']})</a>: Invalid regex in ci-regexp: {match.strip()}, ignoring"

            if matches_apply_to:
                for match_apply_to in matches_apply_to:
                        KnownIssue(regex_pattern, match_apply_to.strip().lower(), issue)
                known_issues.append(KnownIssue(regex_pattern, None, issue))

    return (known_issues, unknown_errors)
def get_known_issues_from_github_page(page: int = 1) ‑> Any
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def get_known_issues_from_github_page(page: int = 1) -> Any:
    headers = {
        "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",
        "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28",
    if token := os.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN"):
        headers["Authorization"] = f"Bearer {token}"

    response = requests.get(

    if response.status_code != 200:
        raise ValueError(f"Bad return code from GitHub: {response.status_code}")

    issues_json = response.json()
    assert issues_json["incomplete_results"] == False
    return issues_json
def get_suite_name() ‑> str
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def get_suite_name() -> str:
    suite_name = os.getenv("BUILDKITE_LABEL", "Unknown Test")

    retry_count = int(os.getenv("BUILDKITE_RETRY_COUNT", "0"))
    if retry_count > 0:
        suite_name += f" (#{retry_count + 1})"

    return suite_name
def group_identical_errors(errors: list[str]) ‑> list[str]
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def group_identical_errors(errors: list[str]) -> list[str]:
    errors_with_counts: dict[str, int] = {}

    for error in errors:
        errors_with_counts[error] = 1 + errors_with_counts.get(error, 0)

    consolidated_errors = []

    for error, count in errors_with_counts.items():
            error if count == 1 else f"{error}\n({count} occurrences)"

    return consolidated_errors
def main() ‑> int
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def main() -> int:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
ci-annotate-errors detects errors in junit xml as well as log files during CI
and finds associated open GitHub issues in Materialize repository.""",

    parser.add_argument("log_files", nargs="+", help="log files to search in")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    return annotate_logged_errors(args.log_files)
def sanitize_text(text: str, max_length: int = 4000) ‑> str
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def sanitize_text(text: str, max_length: int = 4000) -> str:
    if len(text) > max_length:
        text = text[:max_length] + " [...]"

    text = text.replace("```", r"\`\`\`")

    return text


class ErrorLog (match: bytes, file: str)

ErrorLog(match: bytes, file: str)

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class ErrorLog:
    match: bytes
    file: str

Class variables

var file : str
var match : bytes
class JunitError (testcase: str, message: str, text: str)

JunitError(testcase: str, message: str, text: str)

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class JunitError:
    testcase: str
    message: str
    text: str

Class variables

var message : str
var testcase : str
var text : str
class KnownIssue (regex: re.Pattern[typing.Any], apply_to: str | None, info: dict[str, typing.Any])

KnownIssue(regex: re.Pattern[typing.Any], apply_to: str | None, info: dict[str, typing.Any])

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class KnownIssue:
    regex: re.Pattern[Any]
    apply_to: str | None
    info: dict[str, Any]

Class variables

var apply_to : str | None
var info : dict[str, typing.Any]
var regex : re.Pattern[typing.Any]